I would like to welcome a new blog into this already saturated online world, my own new BOOK BLOG. I gave up on my mommy blog after only a few short months, but enough failed attempts at making pictures of my dinner LOOK as apetizing as it TASTED, or turning yarn into pretty much anything appealing, or taking a gajillion pictures of my sweet baby TRYING to capture that cute thing he was doing minutes ago for benifit of the 11 followers of my blog.
One thing I DID enjoy was posting book recommendations. I L-O-V-E finding (and passing on) good lit. I'm forever on the lookout for new books! I'm always blog stalking, not to see if you're skinnier than me, your kids are cuter than mine, or to be sick at how incredibly talented you are...I just want to know what you are READING!
I had a goal last year to read 50 new books, and ended up with a total of 55 at years end (I can post that list on here soon, as well). I had already set the same goal for myself for this year, before the idea of blogging it popped into my head. So, why not Blog?
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